The Crest for Refs Need Love Too
For the better part of 2 months, I spent hours upon hours thinking about a logo that encapsulated the Refs Need Love Too Brand.
I wanted something that would look sophisticated enough to be a patch on blazer. Also, it had to be cool enough to want to be warn by people who aren't referees. Most of the referee shirt concepts out there are simply cheesy.
Here is what I settled on:
- Heart - We are human. We care. We have feelings too. We (refs) often love the game as much, if not even more than any other player on the field. This was going to be included no matter what.
- Red Card - Being a ref means that we often have to make unpopular decisions. Upholding the Laws of the Game is what we need to do regardless of who it might upset. My high school yearbook quote was "It's better to stand alone for the right reasons, then be together for the wrong." I live that even weekend on the pitch.
- Characteristics of Great Referees (In Latin):
- Animo = Courage
- Scientia = Knowledge
- Integritas = Integrity
- Amare = Love
I hope people appreciate it as much as I do. I put my heart and soul into it and I hope that's evident in the design.